ROCfest 2015

Two weeks after my tenth birthday I went up to Rock Over Climbing in Manchester to compete in ROCfest 2015.  I was competing in Girls 10-12, and had just been off school with tonsillitis all week, so wasn’t expecting too much of myself.

I still wanted to go though, because I knew lots of famous climbers would be there!


Look whose car I found!

The problems were good, I flashed 16 out of 25 and was pretty pleased with how I climbed, all things considered.



I met my friend Gwen again, who climbs at Boulders in Cardiff, so it was good to see her.

There were some cool challenges that we could do to earn raffles tickets.  These were a leap of faith from the top of a wall to a trapeze, which was hard but satisfyingly thrilling, and also a table traverse which I did width-ways and length-ways, twice!  Check out the video!

I was also able to get my signed T Shirt back.


So happy!

It has signatures of lots of famous climbers from all around the world, including Adam Ondra, Alex Puccio, Akiyo Noguchi, Jule Wurm, Kilian Fischhuber and Sean McColl, amongst others.  I am so happy to have this: it is VERY cool!

Midlands Youth Climbing Series 2015


A summary of the MY Series

I have just completed the Midlands Youth Climbing Series 2015, competing in Girls D for the first time.  There were five rounds this year, which was one more than last year, but this time the lowest scoring round was to be dropped.  We competed at Wolf Mountain, Creation, Alter Rock, Big Rock and The Climbing Station (but not in that order).  Big Rock was definitely the oddest round because one route was set on their new indoor grit wall.  This meant that all the features were in for hands and feet, and I flashed it, but my fingers got pretty sore!

There were nine girls in my category altogether, although they didn’t all come to all the rounds.  I won each round, sometimes 25 points ahead of second place, but sometimes just 3!  I had a great time, and it was nice to make some new friends in this new category.